Monday 27 November 2006

Trimming the Tree 2006

My parents bought a new tree this year and now we have a 'new to us' tree! Yea!
Last night Aunt Colleen came back from Lethbridge and brought it back with her.

This morning from breakfast on, I think approximately every 7 minutes, Peirce would badger me about putting the tree up. By lunch time I gave in and we got it set up. We had to wait until Jill got home from school before we could decorate it though.

We've never had a tree up this early. But I think I like it this way!

Allen got the job of untangling the garland...I think it was a Grinch test! He didn't 'bah humbug' for too long. (hee hee)

Right in keeping with Jill's style - she has an outfit for every occasion!

Here's Peirce wearing the snowman hat and scarf from the snowman kit that Grandma gave us last year. He sure had a good time tonight!

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