Thursday 18 December 2008

The Library Card (Jerry Spinelli)

I love libraries, so naturally I loved this book! It's about four people whose lives are changed by a library card. I'm not sure if there was meant to be a connection between all the stories, but they did all seem to be troubled in one way or another.

Mongoose - a teenager whose generally up to no good until he finds a library card and wanders into a library only to have a fire of curiousity ignited. Then there's the TV-addicted Brenda whose parents agree to a week of no TV. Her withdrawals from TV are all too familiar to what a lot of people I know might go through! Sonseray is a young boy that is homeless that has lost his mother. He finds a story-teller lady who seems to fill a deep hole in his heart. The last story is a girl that LOVES libraries too - but her family moves out to live on a mushroom farm far away from her well-loved library. However, they do have a bookmobile - which is much more exciting that most bookmobiles.

I'm not sure everyone would enjoy this book. Many would find it a little too far-fetched - but given the hours I've spent in libraries exploring unknown worlds and the love I have for books it touched a chord for me. Loved it! I want everyone to have the same love for libraries. Heck, I should be a library missionary. :0)

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