Sunday 8 February 2009

Hurry! Valentine's Day Is Coming!

The Valentines are finished! Phew!!

I would like to be more like Peirce. He never waits until the last minute to do anything. He seems to approach life like he approaches each day. As soon as his eyes are open he's up and going. He wakes up and runs! I once asked him what he thinks when he wakes up and he said, "I think, OH! I need to hurry up and get dressed!" I believe him. He gets ready for the day as quick as he can so that he can have a little time to watch TV or play a video game before school. He and I put together a chart for his room that is his morning routine. He actually has quite a long list of things he's supposed to do in the morning - and he rarely leaves anything incomplete. He gets up, makes his bed, puts away PJs, gets dressed, tidies up his room, feeds the dog, has breakfast, washes his face and brushes his teeth and his hair, and then reads a French book for the home reading program and scriptures and then familiy prayer. We've told him he has to wait for us to do the reading and scriptures and prayer...but if he could do it on his own he would! Often, on Sunday morning I get up and find him all dressed and watching TV. Many a Sunday morning I've made him take his Sunday clothes off again, have a bath so we can wash his hair, and then get dressed again. I'm sure in time he'll get that figured out and just take care of it himself as well.

Valentine's Day apparently is in that same category. He's been panicking for about a week over what we were going to do for Valentine's Day cards. I found some cute cards on Tip Junkie and so we decided to make those. He has hounded me every day about getting the suckers - so we finally got them on Saturday. We did about half the work on the cards yesterday and finished them today. After all, they have to hand them out on Wednesday!! We needed to get busy!

I should be more like that.

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