Thursday 5 March 2009

Junior High?!

My little girl is already talking about where she's going to go to Junior High. Actually, she has been badgering us about the idea of NOT continuing on in French Immersion. There's a junior high that's across the field from the pool and so she wants to go there. I tried to find out her reasons - but it really came down to one: it's close to the pool.

I happened to find out that the French Immersion junior high and the school by the pool were having open houses this week. We had to go check them out. I have tried to be open minded about the idea of Jill going to the pool by the school - but I didn't feel great about it. I talked to a woman in my ward whose kids had gone through French Immersion and talked to Allen's aunt as well. Neither of them were hard care dedicated to the idea of French Immersion and it caused me to be a little open minded....but I wasn't making any decisions just yet.

Well, the open houses were quite interesting. The French Immersion open house was amazing! There were kids at the front door welcoming us. Kids in the foyer telling us what places we should go see. Kids in every classroom showing us stuff in the classes: kids in the art room, the band was performing in the band room, there were kids in the drama room playing drama games. There were kids in the math classroom having fun with their math teachers (??!?!) There were kids in the home ec room making crepes and there were kids in the library serving the crepes to us! There were kids in the gym playing volleyball in their school uniforms. There were kids in the resource room having great conversations with the teacher. There were kids in the science room cutting up cow eye balls (eeewwww!) It was simply amazing!! Jill and Peirce BOTH loved visiting that school. When we were leaving I said, "Jill, I think you were built for Junior High!"

Then we went to the school by the pool. I have to cut them some slack because we were there at the end of the night - but man, it sure didn't compare. There were lots of kids. Yup lots of kids. Acting like junior high kids (not impressive). We talked to the drama teacher and we talked to the band teacher but we really didn't know where else to go. Then we went into the library and chatted with the principal (a friend of mine!) It was a good visit....but it just didn't feel the same. As we left Jill said, "I just don't feel good about this place."

I was so glad we went and checked them out! And I was glad I let Jill lead in the decision making process. She's right. I didn't feel that good about it either. It's decided...she's going to continue on in French Immersion.


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