Sunday 28 June 2009


Last night I was putting away a crock pot full of chicken stock I'd been working on all day. It was going to be lunch on Sunday. There's nothing like chicken soup made from scratch.

I've been really really tired this week. I seem to work every night until 1 am...and then I can't seem to sleep past 6 am. I'm truly an 8 hours a night person so after a few nights of that I start to really drag. Well, that was exemplified tonight when I went to put the crock pot in the fridge...and instead dumped it all over the floor and on my foot. I have a nasty nasty burn on my foot. I did it last night at about 10:30....which was when I really needed to go to sleep. Instead I sat for an hour on the edge of the tub with my foot in cold water. Once I couldn't sit there anymore I got a bucket and had my foot off the side of my bed soaking. I'd put it up on the bed with ice when I couldn't stand to lay like that anymore. It took until 2 am before it stopped burning so intensely that I could finally go to sleep.

Allen has been gone to Toronto. I did quite well today I thought, considering my lack of sleep all week. It was interesting to me that once we picked him up at the airport I was suddenly so tired I could hardly do anything. I came home and went to bed. I don't even really remember lying down. I think I fell asleep before I was even lying down to be honest!

And my poor foot. The bottom is a little burned and so it hurts to walk. My big toe and all down the side of my foot is red and swollen and very tender. No blisters though. I was lucky. And best of all, my crock pot didn't break. PHEW!! I use my crock pot 3 or 4 times a week. I don't think I could function without it! My foot is one thing...but not my crock pot!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm Becky's sister (by the way). I peek in on your blog every once in awhile. I'm sorry about your foot. Burns are the worst!!

I'm glad you didn't break your crock pot. I just found a great blog (that I shared with Becky and Nathan) that is all crockpot recipes...we've tried several and loved them. Check it out if you is