Thursday 28 June 2012

The Last Day Blues

Today was supposed to be an easy day - clean out our desks, go to an assembly, play some games, etc.

I forgot about the emotional toll of it all. We spend a lot of time with these kids. We spend a lot of time worrying about them, trying to figure out what will make them tick, and realizing what doesn't work. Then the last day comes, and poof! That is it.

I will miss my class from this year for so many reasons. They were an amazing group. Today they showered me with lavish gifts, hugged me, and ran out the doors for their long awaited summer vacation.

Most surprising of all was one boy in my class. We have butted heads a lot this year. I have nagged him, tried to encourage him, threatened him, and loved him. Today he told me three or four times how he is really going to miss me. Really?! Even after all the hassling?!

I hope his new teachers gets him. I hope he stops procrastinating. I hope he continues loving reading.

Truth is, I am going to miss him too.

All of them.

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