Saturday 26 October 2013

Book Whisperer Presentation

Last Spring I was asked to teach a workshop on reading for the Charter School Conference this fall. I had read The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller and was quite excited about it. That, along with my grade 3 book club, and perhaps my obsession about books, made me the perfect victim. I was thrilled!

I also ended up doing the same workshop for the International Reading Association this past week. It's good to have to present something more than once. By the 3rd time I had a pretty good presentation going!

I really enjoyed preparing for this. I probably should have started preparing my slides sooner, but that seems to be my style. I ruminate on a subject forever, and then at the last minute pull it all together. It would be better on my nerves though if I could somehow convince myself the deadline was sooner than the actual deadline and have it done early. I always see right through that when I try to do that to myself though.

All I know is I truly do love reading with kids. I love kids books. I also love reading. It is wonderful to be able to talk to people about something you really love. Last year I was asked to do a presentation on - which is a pretty cool website. There sure was a difference talking about something I'm passionate about though! I really must get working on report cards.

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