Thursday 16 January 2014

Jr. High Orientation

It's that time of year. Orientations at schools for new students. For us, it was Junior High orientation tonight for Peirce.

My little boy is going to be in Jr High?!

It was actually quite fun. I remember it  being like this when we went with Jill too. We went from room to room to see activities and talk with teachers of different subjects. Peirce is really ready for this step. He is excited about choosing options. He even talked with each of the teachers as we went into each room (well, except the drama teacher because she had some kids actually practicing a play). It was a good time.

One thing I'm grateful for is that as each step has come, my kids have been really excited to take that step. Whether it was kindergarten, moving from primary to the youth program at church, junior high or high school - it has been a good experience each time. Here's hoping that continues!

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